The Silly Season has Begun

Dubbed by the husband years ago, “The Silly Season” refers to that time before Christmas where the house is an absolute disaster. That time of year when I haul out all the boxes and have greens shedding their stuff. That time where, frankly, everything is discombobulated! Such is the case right now. The silly season has officially begun.

After my high dosage of Prednisone and Chiropractic care, I am happy to say I am feeling so much better. Then, a scary 3 days in the hospital for the husband, the world has finally righted itself. Well, maybe not quite! Let the war begin.

It is a kind of war – a war, with myself. Wanting to keep things simple, but also wanting to do something different, and still create magic. This is something I go thru every year. You just can’t out do yourself year after year, particularly if you’re working with the same greens and the same decorations over and over. I choose to work this way because I don’t have storage or budget to keep buying new every year, but mainly, because I love my stuff. I have curated well, and I enjoy pulling it out, handling it, and challenging myself to do something new with it.

So, I have completed bits. The Welsh cupboard is always the first thing to get dressed. This year it is very simple and I think I kind of like it. I’m sure I will continue to tweak, as the season moves along, but for now I have put a fork in it, and proclaimed it DONE!

Next on the agenda was the cubby in the kitchen. It too is very simple with the Spode Christmas Tree in attendance and is done for now. Next I moved onto “The Queens Head”. Probably one of my favorite decorations. This year I added different ribbon to the mix, along with some cascading pine cones, and my favorite Queens Head Greens. When I unrolled my new spool of old copper ribbon, I discovered it wasn’t copper at all but, black. No worries, I just went with the ombre’ effect. Copper to very deep current for this ribbon. The rest is pretty black.

The chandelier got a mix of greens and twigs and I’m happy with it. The ship, a staple for Christmas decorations got its usual mix of greens with the addition of a wayward twig. So far, this is my favorite introduction. See the entire entryway at Holiday Decorating for a Tiny Entry.

All of this jockeying requires a lot of thought. I have all these ideas in my head and sometimes they work, and sometimes they don’t. In the end none of it matters. I do it to please and challenge myself, and hopefully with luck, I bring a certain amount of fun to friends and family. As the husband tried to come up the stairs, he shook his head and said, “The silly season has begun!”

I will leave you with the strangest thing. Usually, we button up the deck for winter in late October or very early November. I have never had anything growing on the 17th of November. My Impatience that were leggy and languishing in September, still have the flop, but but look how they have filled in. They have received nothing but a sip of water here and there for almost 2 months and are still holding on. But the Caladium is long gone. The big blue tarp will be a part of my visual senses for the next 5 months, I’m sure. I do hate looking at it, but between the furniture covers and the tarp, the furniture will be protected from the snow.

With that, have you started decorating, or are you waiting until after Thanksgiving? I will have more inspiration for you. Today was just a sneak peak.

Thanks for stopping!
