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Shelley Humpal Design Solutions: For The Love Of Old

Home to me is a place where I can have my first cup of coffee on our deck that we created overlooking the garden I created.  A place where the kids and the grandchildren can come and swing on the tire swing or throw a frisbee.


Home is my design laboratory where I have taught myself how to work with power tools, and created beautiful rooms for my clients and myself.  Where I can see my crazy ideas come to life.


We built this small home in 1980.  We are still here.  It has seen us through babies and toddlers, teenagers and their friends, empty nest and bounce back daughter with granddaughter for a few months, and empty nest again.  With each season of our life, our home has flexed and stretched.


It is my hope that I can help you love the home your in. Join me on my Blog Adventure or drop me a line, I’ll respond to you personally.



A Little More of My Story...

I am a designer, a lover of details, a forager extraordinaire, and a collector. In my home I pay attention to me and the things that make me happy. What makes me happy?
My style is primitive but sophisticated, funny and serious, collected and unique. An 18th Century immigrants trunk with it’s original paint, a bowl of beat up softballs because my girls were softball players, a French voters registration because I liked the cartouche, a bow legged Queen Ann dressing table with original plumb pudding finish… Is it a fine example of beauty and craftsmanship from the 18th Century? Well, it is 18th Century but, no, it has bowed legs and it makes me smile!

I love to create something out of nothing – finding interior design solutions, and sometimes taking those design solutions outside, too. I like to bring old architectural elements into my home and find new purposes for them. I pound nails and saw boards. I paint, sand and refinish, build cabinets, and in my free time I play in my garden. Well, my garden requires much more than free time, but these are the things that bring me peace. These are my design solutions, that I can share; design solutions that can be tweaked, adjusted and evolve into your own personal design style. 

For the Love of Old is born out of my passion to share the things I have learned over my 40 years of collecting and my 30+ years as a designer. To create a place where we can have a conversation about the things we love and how to meld them into our 21st century life. 

It is my hope that you will come along for the ride and let’s see where we end up. I invite you into my home to share custom design furniture, affordable design makeovers using what you already have, and welcome you to schedule an appointment for a design consultation to uncover your own design solutions.

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