Well the silly season has finally started over here. I know, I’m way behind but it takes time to get back in the groove after a long road trip. A lovely evening with family and a delicious meal after not doing Thanksgiving since 2018 it was the after glow that finally got me motivated. Oh yeah well I had to clean up the Thanksgiving mess first.

The Husband and I worked hip to hip to get everything back in order. Gone is the chief chef and bottle washer days. She’s living in Florida!
I have been traveling from store, to studio, to boutique, to flower shop, and the nurseries trying to gain some inspiration for the holiday decorating this season. In the end I went into what my granddaughter calls the demon hole. The deepest darkest recesses under the stairs and started pulling out boxes. The whole house is now in a state of disarray. But, progress has been made.

The entry is done with the exception of a wreath for the door, the welsh cupboard done, kitchen almost done.

The lower level a disaster with boxes and greens strewn from one end to the other. But all in all a good weekends worth of work.
The thing I’m dreading the most is pulling out the Christmas Tree. I’m trying it in a new location in the living room this year. The truth is it’s a lovely tree but it is just to big for me to handle anymore and really to big for this house! I have so many gorgeous ornaments that I have collected over the years but I think I’m getting to the point where I may be ready to divvy some of them up. I remember my mom saying she was giving up the tree when she was about 70. Though I’m not 70 yet, I do get it. Hopefully I will be able to bring the fun back into it.
Well that’s about it for now. I will keep decking the halls until I’m done and then it’s on to crafting. Are you done with your holiday decorating? Let me know in comments.
Thanks for stopping