A few weeks ago I got out of bed and said to myself “the time has come for a new mattress”. Our Ethan Allen mattress that was 14 years old had just given up the ghost. I didn’t want to go to a store and lay on a bunch of mattresses for 5 minutes and try to determine if this would be the magic one!
I started doing some research on mattresses and found the Nectar to have 38,000 five star reviews and started reading several. This is not a sponsored post by the way. Just my experience. All the reviews were glowing with comments like no pressure points, cooling gel, wake up with no morning body aches etc. The warrantee is 365 days to return so I figured I had nothing to lose. Plus they were offering a free set of sheets, a mattress pad, and 2 pillows, all inclusive in the price. I am used to paying thousands of dollars for a mattress and at the price of 799.00 this was appealing. We are newly retired now and I know this won’t be our last mattress and frankly I’m tired of spending so much money for things like this. The engineering of mattresses is so different than even 10 years ago. Plus, after a phone call to Nectar I found I could use my Ethan Allen box spring with this mattress. Of course they offer foundations and even mechanical beds but for our purposes this seemed fine.
Waiting for The Husband to get up I had all my ducks in a row and sprang the happy news on him! He’s of the if it ‘Aint broke don’t fix it” mode, but frankly it really only took a few minutes to convince him it was time. I pushed the button and placed the order. We waited about 3 weeks for this very heavy smallish box to arrive. It took both of us to get it up the stairs with the husband pushing and me pulling. Once we got it upstairs we parked it for a couple of days until the weekend.
Saturday morning arrives and I strip the bed, we get the old mattress off the bed and now we have to get the beast out of the box. Well, we ended up cutting the box away and now we are left with this folded up “tube” compressed mattress. It comes with this small tool like a paper cutter to rip the plastic and once you do the mattress grows kinda like a Chia Pet! I unfortunately didn’t think to take pictures of this.

They tell you to wait about 8 hours before you lay on it. I sat on it after about 4 hours well because, I’m a rule breaker and thought to myself I had made a mistake because I did a lot of sinking. But all was good, the first night sleep was restful.
The first morning conversation was “how did you sleep”. The husband said like a baby. After three weeks he is still in love with this mattress. For me it’s a bit more complicated. This mattress is very firm. Not hard but firm. I am a side sleeper and I do feel fully supported, but what I’m finding is my shoulders are getting to much pressure and aching during the night and causing my sleep to be restless. The good news is I’m not waking with morning back ache anymore and my neck doesn’t seem to be bothering me. I have just been thru several months of physical therapy for my neck.
Because we are down pillow lovers I gave the pillows to my daughter and son-in-law without ever trying them and I didn’t realize I was having this shoulder issue until just a few days ago. I may have to borrow one back and try it out before ordering another one. We’ll see.

One thing I really like about this mattress is that it is not as thick as our old EA mattress nor is it as heavy and in our very small bedroom it is not as consuming in the room. For me of course it’s all about the design!!! Stay tuned. How do you buy a mattress? Are of the test everyone out mode or point and shoot?
Thanks for stopping