When I am wanting to make some minor changes in my home and give it a fresh look there are always questions I ask myself. The most important, WHAT DO I HAVE THAT CAN BE REPURPOSED TO ANOTHER SPACE? That space can be within the same room or moved to another room.
Do you have curtains that could be changed up to another room to create a different look.

These curtains were in my master bedroom.
Could this sofa, this chair, this table be moved to help support a new look.
What table top accessories can be moved to create new vignettes?
Can your pillows and throws be moved to another space?

These pillows were previously in my living room but I love them on the bed!
Can a bedroom chest somehow work in the family room next to a chair or in the dining room to help store table linens or create a bar area? What about in the entry, perfect spot for scarves, hats, and gloves?

Client Living Room
Curtains and tablecloths can be interchanged with each other, or you can take that drapery and use it for fabric to upholster some cushions or make new pillows. The thrift and Restore store are great sources for window coverings that have copious yards of material that could be repurposed to recover a chair or sofa. Make sure you give it the sniff test and only buy lined drapery. The lining will have protected the fabric from fading and sun rot. If it’s cotton you can throw it in the dryer on Air dry to get the dust out.

This chair was recovered from my crewel draperies in the living room. A tablecloth can become a bench cushion or make a dust ruffle.

Sheets will make great curtains and fun tablecloths as well as beautiful napkins.

I even made a draw panel from a coverlet for the sliding glass door, and a fabulous piece of fabric can be put in a frame and used as art.
Do you have a small area rug that could be thrown on a table for texture. During the 17th and 18th Century the “carpet” was often placed on the family table instead of the floor because the rugs were a precious commodity and deemed too important to walk on.

(Well, maybe not this one)! I often have a rag rug on my kitchen table.
Can a large pottery urn be repurposed with a wood top to create an end table.
A stack of antique law books repurposed on the floor for a place to rest a cup of coffee or a beer.
And then the reverse, a small Antique English oak stand placed on a table to create more drama and allow for more layers on a console table.

What about suitcases from vintage to retro. These marvelous containers are a wonderful source for extra storage but they can add volume to a space and plenty of structure and texture.

This wicker suitcase with wonderful European traveling tags houses my great grandmothers collection of Charles Dickens, filling this awkward space now rich with color and texture in my bookcase. A Jet Bead necklace gets knotted and drapes over a cloche with an old birds nest that an industrious bird made in my grill. Still love it.
How about Art? Can you move it around from one room to another. Can a game board be hung as a picture, or a picture propped in a bookcase to help unify the left to the right space.

Hang Architectural Salvage as wall decor creating just another layer of interest and texture.

Inspiration is everywhere and these are all things that I have done. In reimagining my own home this last year a lot of what was up stairs is now down stairs and what was down stairs has now worked it’s way upstairs. And, some things have even been down, up and back down again!!! Some have been put away for a while and a few other things have been sold. This transition has been trial and error, and bittersweet. Sometimes I just have to walk away and let everything settle for a few days and sometimes magic happens and I say to myself oh, there you are why didn’t I think of that before. It’s all part of the stretch and grow process.
Picking a color palette for your entire home does give you more flexibility to make a transition like this so, be intensional when you are purchasing for your home and you will find that it creates a world of opportunity for you.
Please share your imaginings. I’m anxious to hear. If I can help you I will be happy to.
Thanks for stopping