Funny thing happened on the way to this post. It vanished, gone, no sign of ever being pushed out. I know I did, but somehow it disappeared not only from the blog but also Facebook. Now I need to rewrite it. So annoying, mainly because I liked the post. I’ll never be able to recreate it as it was originally, so bear with me.
I’ve been decking the halls for almost a week now and I’m a bit better than 1/2 done. It’s been kind of a tug of war. I don’t sit down in August and plan my theme. I never have a theme. What I try to do is work with my cast of characters and challenge myself to do something new with them.

I started investing in holiday decor 30 years ago. I knew my taste back then, and it hasn’t changed. If it’s crude and old, scruffy and scarred I love it! Little by little each year I would add a bit of something. I always looked for the old, unique or preferably the hand made. Yes in my 40’s I did fall into the “IT” trap of the day. Things I thought I had to have to make my home feel like Christmas. Almost all of those items have been swept away. Sold or donated for someone else to enjoy. I don’t change out my pictures or put away the things that I love to make room for holiday paraphernalia. Oh, there are always a few things that get tucked away but for the most part I try to work around my existing decor. After all, these are the things that I love, and they reflect my home, my personality. I don’t want to stop enjoying them just because it’s Christmas.
For now I’m going to give you some sneak peaks of what I’ve managed to get accomplished in the hopes it will inspire you to look at the things you already have in a different way. To breathe new life into the familiar. So far I’ve managed to get the Welsh cupboard re-dressed, to which the husband said “didn’t you just change that out a few weeks ago?” Well yes, yes I did. But I have to say I think this is one of my favorite Christmas cupboards ever. It’s simple and easy. No, the simplicity wasn’t easy. It took me 3 days of walking away and coming back. Tweaking here and there. But, finally it came together and is now in a happy place.

As I was bringing my favorite chalk ware lamb back to the cupboard I had an aha moment. This is just a lamb, well he was hand made and hand painted but, I would say the only person he is special to is me. I picked him up in Vermont at Shelburne Museum a long time ago. I was thinking how to dress him up. How to change him from the unadorned self that he is! I could put a bow around his neck. Well, that would be original! Although I have never saddled him with that indignaty. Oh but eureka! I have the metal holly candle rings that were my mom’s. Hmm, I wonder if that would fit around his fat neck? I tried it and you know what, it worked perfectly. Why had I never thought of that? His head is held a bit higher and he looks so proud. He’s even smiling at me.

He makes me so happy. It obviously doesn’t take much. If you look closely you’ll find that I have lambs on repeat on this cupboard.
For the most part just adding greens here and there without removing all your usual decor is enough in most cases to say hey, It’s Christmas. Working on upgrading my greenery for several years this has made a huge difference. It is more manageable and using picks of several different kinds is my holy grail. Now the only thing I use garland on is the chandelier and the railing.

I know a lot of people order greens from Amazon, but I am a touchy feely person. I need to have contact with what I buy. For the most part I stay away from Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and Joann for greens. In Omaha we are lucky enough to have some fine home decor stores that carry very nice faux greenery. Some of it can get pricey and some is not too bad. If you pick up a bit at a time soon you will have all that you need to deck out your home. I admit for some reason I am a complete sucker for greenery. Even though I know I don’t need any more, when I see something new I have to take the plunge. Sooo dumb!

Ok so I will close with my none theme, theme! Three years ago when I first got my Bernina I went into the fabric shop. The “you will never make a quilter out of me” type fabric shop. I had a plate with me. Of course I did!!! I saw this absolutely adorable quilt. It was fun with my plate too. But, I don’t quilt, and I don’t do cute. Cute is for other people! No offense to the cute lovers out there, because lord knows we need you. For some reason I was so drawn. I picked up the pattern and the nice clerk said, there is a fabric bundle that goes with it. But, I was just holding the pattern in my hand. I don’t quilt! She said we will talk you thru whatever problems you are facing. I was absolutely having a war with myself. Loving the colors of the fabric bundle, they were so me. Determining this was just a small quilt, how hard could it be? Besides it goes so great with these dishes it would just be fun. You see, I can justify anything to myself!!! With my tail between my legs, great trepidation, and an I can do it attitude, I walked up to the register to pay for my quilt that I said I would never, ever make! I am dripping with so much sarcasm here. Anyway I get home and break out the instructions. No, I am so far over my head. I don’t even know what a lot of the terms mean. I fold it back up and put it in the drawer for another day.
So a few weeks ago with 2 quilts under my belt I pull out this quilt. With fresh eyes and some technique I think to myself now I’m ready. I can do this. I always thought of quilts as being something you slog your way through. That they take many, many months to create. I don’t like having unfinished projects lying around. I like to finish what I start. I wanted to get this out of the drawer. Besides it is so darn cute!!! It was easy and didn’t take much time at all. The hardest part was fussy cutting the snowflakes and appliquéing them onto the quilt. I have done a fair amount of appliqué before so I knew what to expect. Three stitches pivot and three stitches pivot. The center panel was printed so that didn’t involve anything at all except that I outline quilted everything which was fun. On the red horizontal borders I worked on making small pebbles. The pinwheels were fun to make and I learned a new technique there too. So here it is in all its cuteness. It will be interesting to see who ends up with it, but for now I’m enjoying it draped over the couch. What do you think?

This morning I got to snuggle in the quilt with my new great grandson and you know what, there is no finer experience than that, nor a better way to start the day. I’m in love.
Happy Decorating and wish me luck as I keep at it.
Thanks for stopping
Very impressive! Moral of the story; never say never and never give up!