Last week was a week of beautiful weather with temperatures in the high 70’s and low 80’s. Today well back to reality lows in the 40’s highs in the 60’s. Though the temps are in the 60’s the winds are sometimes ferocious, making it quite cool just in time to remind me not to plant my Caladiums! They are tropicals and I learned the hard way last year. Don’t plant Caladiums until mid May!!! At least here in Nebraska. A nice warm bed in a box on the kitchen table will have to do until it warms up.
Planting for me is like heaven, raking the beds, getting all the containers ready, digging in the dirt, and just overall getting gross and sticky. Dirt under the fingernails gross and sticky. Are you like that? Just the joy of mind numbing physical labor. Gives you time to dream, time to reimagine, time to be quiet and just be.
I did spend a lot of time checking out five nurseries and the big box stores. Getting inspiration and trying to do some problem solving. Also trying to get the most out of my flowers and not go over budget. Budget what’s that! When it comes to flowers, I have absolutely no self control. I’m really trying to adjust that problem.
When I was walking the first load of flowers to the back yard there was a magical sight for my eyes to behold. The wind was blowing the petals from the flowering crab in our back yard. The “back 40” and the grass were just covered in pink petals. It was to beautiful to let it pass so I very quickly gained some inspiration. I asked the husband to hall out a very old square coffee table that my dad had made for their patio about 60 years ago. It always sits in the back of the flower bed that is in the back of the yard by the fence (the back 40).

He put it under the tree for me and then helped me hall out plates and food and beer and stuff. In no time we had an imperfect, impromptu snack under the flowering crab that was quickly losing it’s petals.

It was a lovely moment amidst all the hubbub of dirt, plants, and fertilizer. No there wasn’t any beautifully planted containers yet, but the simple food and pretty stuff allowed for a few moments of something different.

Things that dreams are made of. Hope you get out and do some dreaming of your own.
Thanks for stopping