Yesterday was interesting and devastating for so many because of all the tornadoes. When I had my first tornado experience, it was May 5, 1975. Working in downtown Omaha at the time, I watched as “The Tornado” marched it’s way up 72nd Street in the distance. It would be hours before I found the husband, as we separately sheltered at the Red Lion Hotel Lobby with hundreds of other people pacing like the walking dead. All in shock and disbelief. We were not personally impacted by that storm, but for our 20-something selves, it was a scary experience. We hoped we would never to have to experience again… until yesterday.
The local and national weather channels had done such a good job of warning us ahead of time about the potential for bad storms. I had a couple of appointments yesterday morning and jokingly made a comment about “tornadogedon”. Florida always made a joke about snowmagedon when the weather people would forecast 10″ of snow and we would get 1″! Anyway, I got home about 2:00p and it was cold kind of chilly. I thought, “No way. It’s too cold for bad weather!” I just carried on with my day. The husband got home about an hour later and I made that comment to him. He said well it’s warm now. About 1/2 hour later my phone went off.
Hmm, probably a good time to turn on the TV. Watching for a 1/2 hour or so the sirens went off. Still not overly concerned because you know, it’s just not hot enough for a tornado, I continued to monitor from the comfort of my home office. Every now and then getting up and looking outside. We can’t ever really see anything because the trees are so large, and there really isn’t a horizon. I don’t usually worry about tornados anymore as we’ve had so many false alarms.
Let me just say, yesterday was way different. My daughter lives just west of Omaha in Valley, NE, and I watched in horror as I counted the tornadoes and funnel clouds on the screen moving not far from where she and her family lives. Earlier I had sent a text to take cover. She informed me she was with the grand boys at the Valley Public Library. A bank in its former life, the library has a vault. That is where they took shelter. Well I suppose you can’t get any safer than that. They were safe and had no damage at their home. My sister-in-law on the other hand is employed as an independent contractor and that business was heavily damaged.
This is very bad. I don’t know if this will prove to be as bad or worse than the ’75 tornado experience, but I know it is one big mess that will take years to get back to normal. In ’75, the tornado hit a densely populated business area. It seems that mostly private residences were affected this time, with many neighborhoods wiped out. One of our newer lake communities with million-dollar homes took a very heavy hit.. I’ve been in a couple of those homes, and it is such a lovely community, and I know it will be again. Thankfully, no one died, and most injuries are minor. People are rising from the rubble and re-emerging from their destroyed homes.
The clean up has already begun, and I won’t be making jokes about tornadoes ever again.
I had intended to write a post about Quester’s day, but I will leave that for the next post.

As we are expecting more bad weather today, I will leave you with the request to stay safe. Share your experience with tornadoes in the comments below. My sister is heading home from Indiana today after her month long road trip. She will be driving right through it.
Thanks for stopping!