I have been up to so much mischief the last few weeks and now I am shoulder deep into Christmas decorating. At it for 5 days now I am so ready to be done and I haven’t even tackled the tree yet! I think I’m making headway and then I realize something still needs to be tweaked. Go figure
My daughter took me to see Trans Siberian Orchestra a couple of weeks ago.
We took the grand boys and they loved the light show and the pyrotechnics. Performing for more than 2 hours 15 minutes (they were still going strong when we left) they gave it their all.
Also went down to the Durham Museum with my sister to have High Tea and view Dressing the Abby. The Downton Abby Costumes were spectacular as expected.

In some cases the dresses were vintage or used vintage embellishments.

Cora’s robe actually had a tattered repair in it. I wondered if that happened on set or because these costumes have been exhibited so much.

A textile snob, these costumes were right up my alley. I just love all that detail.
Lady Mary infamous Red Dress

Lady Sybil’s Maternity Dress

Lady Edith

Lady Crawley OMG this was gorgeous work

The male actors were told not to buff up so they would fit their costumes appropriately. Apparently men didn’t have shoulders in the last part of the 19th Century. I thought that was interesting.

The museum also had a table of Omaha’s own Titanic Connection. Emil Brandeis who with his father and brother founded the JL Brandeis Department Store here in Omaha. Back in the day when department stores were something special. Emil was returning from Europe and changed his passage so he could take the Titanic’s maiden voyage. He unfortunately perished with so many other passengers.
Interesting memorabilia.
After the Abby we wandered thru the rest of the museum which had an exhibit on Early Omaha from Native Americans to Warren Buffet!

Interesting and then the Byron Reed Coin Collection. I have to go back to this. Byron Reed was a famous realtor in the Omaha area and a coin collector. I’ve heard about this coin collection for years but never seen it.

Read the story above about the two boys who found these coins. So much fun!

This was fascinating and a whole area of study. A vast collection and the ancient coins were sooo interesting. I never thought too much about seeing this but, I’m so glad I did and am seriously planning a trip back just for the coins. If you’re in the area treat yourself.
Oh, then I’ve been sewing up a storm. I had a couple of projects left over from last winter that I didn’t get done. Powder room renovation!!!! Do you ever start something and don’t finish it? I tend to be obsessive about leaving things undone. I do not like to have unfinished projects. So I finished one that I will share later and started and finished another. The first one was a class I took because I wanted to learn some knew techniques. I just didn’t have enough time to get it done. The next one just made me smile and I couldn’t resist and I figured I would learn a lot. I did. I’ll share a bit later.
Then it was time to get ready for Thanksgiving and the meal and company were sublime. We were small but mighty. And, I know more got the table cleared and it was time to hit the boxes of Christmas greens. So stay tuned. I’ll leave you with a sneak peak.
Thanks for stopping