Table for 6 – Easter Brunch

As we are slowly moving forward with our lower level powder room, we had to pause, clean up the mess and get ready for Easter.  Though our space for our powder room has been in place for a while now the room also has to hold storage.  Lots and lots of storage.  Everything that was in that room had to be off loaded and where did it get off loaded too?  The family room of course.  

I have stuff everywhere! Behind chairs, under the couch with no skirt behind the trunk.  My newly restyled room that I worked so hard on looks terrible.  Lucky for me we will be a small but mighty group for Easter brunch tomorrow and just my daughters family.  As my granddaughter would say when she was 3 with hands on hips “Nanna you make big mess again?”  Why yes, yes I have!

I had to move the table from the kitchen to the living room to comfortably accommodate all of us.  I’m going to try something new and leave the sofa in place and see how that works as a banquette. Stay tuned.

This table is relatively simple, starting with a beautiful soft blue linen embroidered table square I picked up in Minneapolis eons ago. Let’s take a tour.

I placed a boxwood wreath, then nestled my wooded pedestal into it. Then added a cloche with a real birds nest that I salvaged from the yard years ago and of course eggs.  

Added a small stack of Shelley’s Works poetry books (my moms favorite poet and whom I am named for) a bird a bunny and other stuff.  

I just kept fooling with it until it felt right. Adding my Pottery Barn Blue dishes and some candlesticks and I was done. 

When creating a table like this, I think of it as my canvas. I want all visitors to have an experience where they get to sit. Then, I think of the people who are missing and try to include a piece of them so they are represented. In this case, my oldest daughter and my granddaughter won’t be here. So I have included a sprinkle of seashells and a piece of coral picked up in the fall on our southern route trip when we visited them in Florida.

This table is definitely about texture with the crispness of the fine linen table cloth and the heavier texture of the striped napkins that I embroidered last year. Love the way they turned out.  

The scruffy bunnies, the books, seashells and the birds nest. A bit of wood, pewter, sterling silver and crystal round out the experience.

How do you prepare for Easter brunch? I’ve never been able to figure out why bunnies and eggs go together. I guess bunnies and eggs represent renewal and spring. Well, we haven’t really had any spring yet here in Omaha.  When the temperatures are warm the wind is blowing 50-70 miles an hour.  Not exactly raking weather.  Maybe next week!  Or not.  We’ll see.

Thanks for stopping!
