First let’s talk about best intentions! I promised Part ll on How to Style a China Cabinet and I will get to it this week so stay tuned. I also intended to do some posting while on vacation and at least some Instagram Feed well that didn’t happen either.
What did happen was 13 states and about 4500 miles and we are home. The husband and I got married again in Charleston (more on that later). We had good conversation, some really good giggles, and an argument in the front of a Bistro in Charleston after we lost our car and the parking garage. Luckily I had taken a picture of the corner and the street signs. Siri to the rescue for me, google maps to the rescue for the husband. He was really steamed and walking about a block and a half ahead of me. I imagine that everyone who heard that conversation just laughed and said there goes another tourist! I hope so.
So I was downstairs starting the wash and I decided to start going thru all the bags of stuff we acquired.

Our first real stop was Natchez MS. The historic district is charming with door knobs about 28″ up from the floor. I had to keep bending over to turn a knob. Curbs were very high I guess so the carriages could drop their fine ladies on the sidewalk so they wouldn’t have to go into the dirt street. I’m just making this up as I go along I don’t really know the answer for that! I was definitely thinking orange in Natchez because I bought these 2 pumpkins and a couple of leaf stems plus 6 yards of velvet ribbon from a darling shop that carried lovely home goods and dishes. I also bought a big spider to wear on my head when we finally got to see our daughter in Florida. Halloween is her favorite Holiday.

Oh, I bought 3 porcupine quills at a great antique mall there. These will go with my Turkey Feather Quills for my antique traveling desk. They are really long and sharp. I wish I’de have bought more I had never seen them before.
We toured Rosalie House an Antebellum home and in the gift shop I found the Blue Bottle in pressed glass for the deck to keep the bees away.

In Vicksburg MS we toured the Civil War battle field which was so beautiful and peaceful. The day was glorious with just a bit of chill to the air and they do such a good job of telling the story of the Battle of Vicksburg.

Had to take a picture of the Minnesota Monument. I’m originally from there.

At that gift shop I bought the grand boys T shirts. (I’m sure they will be thrilled!).

We also found an antique shop where I bought 3 pieces of crewel material in orange and green that had been removed from the backs of some chairs. They still have some upholstery tacks in them. Bonus!

Not sure yet what I will do with it. I have to figure out how to clean it first.
The next day was a long hard drive across MS to Jacksonville FL to put our heads down. The next morning we drove over to St Augustine and toured the Fort built by the Spanish in the 1600’s.

Fascinating so glad we did that. Was able to hit a couple antique shops there and I found shark jaws for the grand boys. They will like those so much more than T shirts.

Arriving at our daughters and son in laws we spent 3 1/2 days just enjoying each other. A little shopping a few antique shops, and a couple of design/home furnishing stores geared to that coastal vibe. Wonderful music and the best pizza ever! Fabulous restaurant Kyle G’s for our anniversary. They made it so special with confetti at the table Champaign and a card from the restaurant.
I found an antique painting I was considering, when I went back to buy it, the shop was closed.

Odd that I would find a landscape that looks like Nebraska in Florida. I liked this a lot but it wasn’t quite big enough. I could certainly make it work and I’m still thinking about it.
What did I bring home from Florida? Spanish Moss, twigs with interesting fungi, magnolia cones, and of course sea shells. While we were out shopping I saw these awesome boxes & bottles it gave me some good DIY ideas.

Moving on to Savannah we started by walking down the “Colonial Steps” to the river front. They warn you that they are steep and treacherous and yup they are. I made it down and up though an amazing feat!

Once down on the water front we boarded a paddle boat for a ride down the Savannah River.

Didn’t know it was the third largest shipping port in the country. The freighters are huge.

Coming from land locked Nebraska you know these things are big but until you’re actually along side one you don’t really understand how massive they are.

This was a fort built by the British. I can’t remember the name of it though. Let me know in comments. I’m sure I have it somewhere.
We toured the Federal Style Davenport House which I found more to my taste then the Rosalie House.

It was lovely and had an amazing staircase. At that gift shop a bought a reproduction bottle with a tag stamp. During British Rule they stamped all the imported bottles so they could be taxed. I have a nice collection of bottles with stamp tags.

While in Savannah I picked up more magnolia cones. (Is that what you call them?). Please let me know in comments.
Charleston was lovely as always, over crowded like Savannah, We hit some galleries looking for a piece of art (I knew everything would be way over my head and it was) but there are some fabulous contemporary artists out there. Fabulous Antique shops of course. Nobody does antiques like the south. It seems like everything of any value is now in the south and oh the goodies I found. Nothing I could bring home but fun to see.
On our last night in Charleston I left John at the hotel to go discover a couple of shops I had seen on the way to the hotel. OMG they were fabulous. I only came away with a fabulous 4 yard piece of green floral linen. Again I don’t know what I am going to do with it but the price was right and it’s glorious.

Homeward leg on to Franklin TN. We decided we were both ready to get home so we drove by the billboard for Biltmore in Asheville NC without stopping. I only took Friday morning in Franklin to hit a couple of Antique Shops. Up until this point I hadn’t really bought anything for myself that I was super excited about. I hadn’t bought an antique. Love my bottle and 2 pieces of fabric but it’s just not the same. I always try to buy an antique whenever I am traveling. This is my scrapbook and part of the story. The first shop we went in I walked in the door and found first thing an ironstone mold with a recipe written on it. Well I had to have that. I could have spent soooo much money there. Just about everything in this shop was me. Tables, crocks, art chandeliers, dishes.

In the next shop I found the above Wedgewood footed bowl. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I have never seen this bowl but it matches my moms dishes I inherited. Of course the bowl is much older than the dishes. Can’t wait to see how I use this.

Content that I had found my antiques to add to my story we packed up the car and headed home. Two solid days of very difficult driving for the husband. Driving thru the Smokey Mountains thru driving rain and the next day between rain, road construction, and a terrible accident we added an extra 3 hours to our drive on Friday. Luckily yesterday was only about a 5 hour drive. This morning he slept in!
Sorry I was out of sight for a couple of weeks, but my soul has been restored, my juices are flowing again, and I’m excited to clean the dust from my house!
It is October 31st in Nebraska and this is what I came home to.

This just never happens!!!
Thanks for stopping