Ah the Domino! When one thing leads to another which leads to another. Can any of you relate? A couple of weeks ago I purchased a new duvet cover from Pottery Barn which lead to a whole series of minor changes doing this spring refresh. I am still waiting for one thing before I can reveal that space.

There were no big renovations, or big purchases just a shuffling from here to there. But after creating a pretty big mess and a lot of tweaking, I can finally put a fork in it and say it’s done! This is the summer look. I never used to make these kind of changes. I love my stuff and enjoy looking at it but, I have to admit there is something good for the soul in opening yourself up to viewing things in a different way.

In removing the black and white dishes from above the bed I had to make a choice. Either use these dishes somewhere else or put them into storage. I wondered how they would look in the Welsh Cupboard as I’ve never used them there. But wait, I don’t really like these dishes, why would I do that? Well, they are very old relics from another time. They came over on a ship, likely in a wooden crate with wood shavings. I’m just making this up, I have no idea! “A collector likely picked them up and flew with them on an airplane! If you’re interested you can read about them here.
So as I removed them from the wall in my bedroom, knowing at some point they will come back, I stacked them up and prepared to move them to the living room. Knowing I didn’t have enough of the dishes to fill my cupboard I added in the black and white ironstone with advertising for support. I am so happy with the result, I feel like I have a whole new room.

Once the cupboard was done, I looked around at the rest of the room. The cupboard is such a focal point that I keep the rest of the room fairly simple. So, what do I have to support this focal point. The Sailboat pictures from the living room got moved to the bedroom and the ones in the bedroom landed here.

It was time to make some pillows for a spring refresh. A trip down to my fabric stash yielded a black and cream check that I had been hanging on to for years. With an inch and a half ruffle it gives them some movement. An owl print that I bought at the Monticello gift shop is a favorite that has been hiding in the stair well. I normally have plates here but they ended up, you guessed it, in the bedroom.

Hobby Lobby yielded up the striped fabric I used on the lumbar pillows, with a bit of the check and a small ball fringe accent. I think they are fun.

Then I turned my sights to the kitchen. The redware collection moved to the cubby again!

The eggs in a basket still life that I had over the bed ended up in the cubby. I wish I had a more prominent place for it but, I do like it here.
Yesterday, I took the time to rework the meat hooks the husband installed recently. They just weren’t sitting quite right with me, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I took my iron lion and put it on the meat hooks rather than on the wall. I think I like it better. It is less of a focal point but it gives the entire wall a more relaxed look, and I love the way his paw overlaps the frame on the picture.

Working some spring/Easter onto my pedestal I had fun re-introducing some old favorites. Simply by moving the table out from the wall a few inches and placing the pedestal in the center of the table, moving the books to the end, it looked much less cluttered. I am pleased with the final result.

Less clutter, really!!! So what do you think of my spring refresh? Are you team lion on the wall or lion on the meat hooks. Let me know in comments.
Thanks for stopping
I ❤️ everything! I also love to see my things and I have a little mourning party when I put away each season. Then the fiddling around moving stuff and getting inspired takes over and brings such fun and joy. Your owl print! the nautical references! The reordering of the pedestal and tabletop! I do prefer your lion hung on the rack, surprisingly less in your face but I never would have guessed that. You have wonderful staging skills and incredible pieces to work with. Fabulous.
Oh Pamela thank you so much. It is so rewarding to hear from like minded people. It is fun and challenging isn’t it. Once I get things figured out though, I tend to leave them for quite a while. I am working on adding photos to older posts. As I get them done I will try and let you know.
Stunning as always, Shelley!
Thanks Cheryl I’m enjoying the completely new look.