We lost my father-in-law on Thursday morning. We got the phone call at 4:26 AM and off we went to the Josie Harper Hospice House to meet up with the rest of the family. He passed alone but knowing that he was loved and respected and a man who lived his life well.
After sitting with everyone for several hours, I decided I needed exercise and fresh air. I decided to follow one of the paths that goes around the facility. I had no expectations but knew I would certainly run into some spring blooms, and of course I did.

I realized I needed to start taking some photos as I wandered along the path.

The peace and quiet helped settle my soul and the blooms helped remind me that our lives though forever altered will surely move forward. Perhaps in a way that none of us recognize just yet, but certainly forward.

The lilacs were blooming and smelled wonderful. I decided to tear off a few blooms and take a few back to the room.

In heading back I ran into my sister-in-law and handed her a bloom. I then overheard two sisters near the front door sobbing. They too had lost a loved one. My sister-in-law said I think they need lilacs too and of course, I was of the same mind, so I went to the two sisters and handed them each a bloom and said sniff. We are in the same boat today. We hugged and tried to comfort each other in the only way a stranger can. I then left them and went about gathering lilac blooms again to give to my mother-in-law and my husbands aunt who had just arrived to say her goodbyes.
As we were all heading out, one of the heart broken sisters passed me and she squeezed my arm, and that Random Act of Kindness about did me in, but meant the world to me… Just a touch on the arm… I don’t know who she lost that day, and she didn’t know who I lost that day, but at that moment in time we became sisters. I will never forget that young woman and her sister and I hope she never forgets me. Life is all about moments. Moments that take your breath away.
Thanks for stopping.