So what camp are you in? Do you get up every morning and before you put a cup of coffee on make your bed? Do you have a couple cups of coffee, watch a bit of the morning shows and then make your bed? Are you like me have a couple cups of coffee, check my email (because you know there is very important stuff in there!) watch a bit of the Today Show and then WAIT for the husband to get up? Or are you in the camp of, “Why Make the Bed You’re Just Going To Get Back Into It?!!!”

Whichever camp you’re in, Susan from thru down the gauntlet on the Pottery Barn Messy Bed Challenge. She took her lovely Rice Poster Bed with her fabulous red plaid winter bedding and created a wonderful messy nest mimicking what Pottery Barn had done in their recent catalog.

I thought this would be a fun exercise so I went in and took my freshly made bed and played with it for a bit. When I say a bit I mean like 5 minutes but here is my version of the Pottery Barn Messy Bed. Hey I even have a Pottery Barn quilt!
To create this look I started with my Pine Cone Hill Sheets, my down comforter w/ a Pom Pom Duvet Cover, Restoration Hardware Linen pillow cases that I embroidered, pillow shams that I made, my Pottery Barn quilt, and a wonderful pair of Soft Surroundings Linen pillows & Grey pom pom lap throw. Oh and we can’t forget the charcoal grey linen dust ruffle I made. I topped it all off with an antique tea towel, pewter tray and antique Staffordshire cup and saucer, and a plate with a pear. No affiliates just good stuff.

So what do you think, did I pass the test? I’m of the neat and tidy camp for bed making but I do like it warm and sumptuous and I am a total sheet snob. I hate sateen sheets. Give me crisp sheets that snap when you float them over the bed any day. The old fashioned ones that get softer with every washing. Love that
So tell me what camp are you’re in?
Thanks for stopping.