No Demo Primary Bedroom: Bringing Mismatched Furniture Together

This is Part III in this 3 part No Demo Series. If you have missed parts I you can catch it here, and part II here.

This bedroom has been the source of consternation for the lady of the house. Though very generous in size, like so many primary bedrooms, it became the last place to be decorated. Searching for a sanctuary that felt like them, this room was filled with miss matched furniture that both clients brought into the mix. Follow along as we go through the No Demo Primary Bedroom – Bringing Mismatched Furniture Together.


A kingsize bed arched, contemporary washed out headboard, with a metal detail we didn’t really like.

A vintage desk with bamboo style legs. I had one of these growing up. A small fun bamboo style desk chair. Two wicker chairs the lady of the house brought with her and had been with her for years. Painted multiple times.

A very nice antique 5 drawer chest, and an oak stand perfect for a nightstand. She also had a McNight print full of color, a nice cream coverlet, and white linen pottery barn dust ruffle.

I have been in and out of this room a hundred times. Discussing possibilities, but it was never the priority. During the renovation we did add new carpet and we painted the walls, trim and ceiling. There is a small hallway right off the entry that almost creates a vestibule. The doors leading into the bedroom were 2 hollow core doors. I suggested that French doors would be lovely, and like everything during this renovation, by my next visit French doors were ordered.

When I suggested painting the vestibule black (Benjamin Moore Dragons Breath) a re-introduction from the kitchen and the great room, my client was stunned. After all, this is a tiny space with doors on 2 walls. I assured her it would be alright. Like with everything during this no demo primary bedroom remodel, after a tiny bit of pushback and some giggles, we painted it the dragons breath. In this case we painted the ceiling and the doors the trim color. The black just acts as a framework.

We then gold leafed a very large mirror that she already had and filled the one wall with the mirror. Creating a bit of a jewel box.

We added a small shelf under the mirror for a rotating display. Actually I haven’t found just the right piece for it yet but, I will. The shelf had to be small in order to open the closet door. I envision a large round something there.

When I arrived on floor staining day, I was informed it was time to get serious about this bedroom. Though the new neutral paint color and new carpet were nice, the rest of the room was just blah. The art was the only thing bringing any life to the room, and the mismatch of the furniture was just not allowing the room to hang together. We had some discussion about a new upholstered headboard, Oh and wouldn’t it be great if we could find one in dark green velveteen, at oh maybe $199.00! Of course I knew this was wishful thinking. Number one, finding an upholstered headboard in the right color green that I had in my head was going to be impossible unless we had it custom made and at $$$$ cost prohibitive. I knew we could do just as well with what we had.

When entering No Demo Primary Bedroom for the 101st time, I just happened to have in my hand the paint sample from the kitchen table. The first thing I saw was the art on the wall, I looked at the paint sample and said to myself hmm, this will work. What if we paint this bed the same color as the table.

The metal bar and all. How about crystal knobs on the 5 drawer chest. And you know what, I think Pottery Barn has the perfect pillow shams to add some color to the bed. What if we paint the desk the color of the wall, and the chair the color of bed.

Let’s go to Pottery Barn!

We had so much fun and in 45 minutes we had the whole room designed. All we added were a pair of curtains and rods, 2 shams, 2 dark green velveteen pillows and it was enough to give this room a lift. Then my client found an Ugg throw in dark green and I found some frayed velvet ribbon to add to the ready made dust ruffle she already had. The lady of the house applied the ribbon with double stick fabric tape and careful measuring. It elevated not just the dust ruffle but also the entire room. It never ceases to amaze me how such a small detail, can make such a huge difference. For less than 500.00 and some elbow grease, this room got a complete makeover. Well that doesn’t include the carpet and paint!

Then let’s paint the wicker chairs dark green.

She had this beautiful table somewhere in the house. I had never seen it. Then one day, I received a text with a picture of this table, and it was the perfect piece to compliment the 5 drawer chest on the other side of the room. I love how the wood looks against the wicker chairs.

As you can see, the dogs are a big part of their life. This is the grand dog and not the homeowners dog. Remmy the homeowners dog, and I have become fast friends, and I love every opportunity to give him a snuggle. Remmy lives on the bed, so bedding has to be washable. No silk bedding for this dog!

I am still looking for some art to go above the small night stand and yes, my vest and the throw pillows have left the room! I wanted to make cushions for the chairs but custom came in $$$. She happened to have these fur pillows propped on the chairs and it gave me the idea to use those as cushions. I liked the look but the pillows were too small. She went out that day and found the right size. Not practical for summer or the long hall, but these will work for now. And besides it’s just fun.

She found the bubble lamp and I love the way it works with the print. So a few more accessories will make this home a bit more finished but until then, the home owner and his lady have created a comfortable home for them to share their lives together.

This project has been so rewarding. Working with people who were not afraid. Not afraid of new ideas and not afraid of a lot of work. If the idea came out of my mouth, the next thing I knew my homeowner was making it happen. As a designer you have to know how I appreciate that. With ingenuity and compromise we have taken this 1992 builder house to something designed just for the two of them. A home for them to share.

Give me your thoughts about this No Demo Primary Bedroom remodel in comments. I love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping
