As November is already zooming by I am thinking about the Holiday’s. Looking for inspiration and perhaps that little something to add to my holiday decorating, or preferably the inspiration to take something I already have and turn it into something else. Frankly I’m not ready to hall out the holiday decor yet. I’ve been working on a few presents, and I have a long way to go.
Our Assistance League Christmas Caravan was last week. This is one of our biggest fund raisers every year. Four recently renovated homes have been given over to various local home furnishing shops, for the purpose of decorating their homes for the Holiday. I was able to sneak some photos to share. This table was well done.

One of the homes had huge spheres in the pots at the front door. They had been painted to look like bells. I figured 75.00 a piece (still cost prohibitive) no, these babies were 475.00 a piece. OMG! I will be stealing that one and making it my own.
I also like to pop into my favorite home furnishing shops for inspiration. You think nurseries are just for spring and summer. Check them out for the holiday’s. You will find that every nursery has its own vibe. I always hit my favorites and this is the time of year to do that. It is still early enough that they will have a great selection. Don’t wait until Thanksgiving, by then it is already too late! I have come up with some of my best DIY inspiration at the nurseries. Not only will you find unique decor but your creative juices will start to flow. I just love it when I have that moment of discovery. What’s this. Oh, that never occurred to me, what a great idea.

A stop into Mulhall’s Nursery yielded up some fun ideas. Fun trees for that mid mod person. These store flat.

I’m reading Courtney Allisons French Country Cottage Christmas. Courtney is a blogger, photographer, author, and a creator of the most magical table scapes. This book came out in September and I have been savoring it.

A treasure trove of ideas and lovely eye candy. You can pick it up here French Country Cottage Christmas.
I will close with my latest thrift store find. An Irish mohair lap throw that is perfect. It’s never been used. I picked it up for 15.00. I loved the buffalo check and knew the color would be perfect for my vintage crewel pillows.

Thanks for stopping