The week Covid hit and we all went into lock down was the week I joined Assistance League of Omaha. I went to my first meet and greet just a couple days before. That was March of 2020. Scrambling to figure out how to navigate this new normal the League turned to Zoom and due to great leadership and a willingness for the members to try something new, we were able to not only keep the membership together but our community outreach programs continued although in a new and different way.
During this time Assistance League bought a new building for our Chapter House. A much larger space and more centrally located for our members. We were able to continue to rig it out and get it ready to open. This great building gave us plenty of space for the executive branch of our operation and needed storage and meeting space for all the different outreach programs we support. This is where members could brain storm and write grants, collect needed products for our programs and socialize.
The top floor would be designated for the Thrift Shop. This is where the community could come and donate their unwanted items, and where the community could come and find tremendous bargains.
In limbo myself because I was a new member and didn’t know anyone, I kind of just sat back and waited. I had no idea how I would be able to contribute to this group. I know nothing about the law, or writing grants, I’ve never worked with people in need of assistance. I kind of figured I would do the pretty fluffy stuff. That is something I know about. How to create a mood for a benefit, or create beautiful centerpieces for our Christmas Caravan Gala. I know something about creating a party!!!
And then the phone call came. The manager of the Thrift Shop (whom I had never met) asked me if I would be willing to tag merchandise for the upcoming opening of the new building. This was August. I said sure. After all I do know something about retail!!! They put me in home decor. Hmm, I felt right at home. Not wanting to be presumptuous or step on any toes, I asked how they go about pricing things. The response was whatever you think is a fair price. Ok, this is me you’re talking too. A fair price to me is not necessarily a fair price for a thrift shop. Some of the items I was handling were high quality items. Being the good foot soldier I did what I was told and inwardly cringed at 12.00 for something I new was worth $$$ more.
I reached into a box of random items all covered in newspaper. My hand touched an orb. Hmm what’s this? I pulled out a paper weight. And then another, and another. I didn’t know anything about paper weights except I knew they could be quite valuable and highly collectable. I stated my concern about these, knowing that if we had an outlet we could earn so much more for our outreach programs. I felt that they belonged online not in the thrift shop. The shop manager agreed but we didn’t have any way of pursuing an alternative. I put 18.00 on an Orefors paper weight and said to myself bye bye baby.
Months passed and we were finally able to open. Still not knowing anyone and not sure where my niche was going to land I continued to attend meetings but pretty much just sat back and observed. And then the phone call came again. There were a few items that the Thrift Shop had never been able to sell and they didn’t quite know what to do with them. Would I consider setting up an online store? I didn’t have a clue how to go about setting up an official Assistance League Omaha site but I would be willing to list these items on my own site and donate the money back to ALO. I knew this could only be a temporary situation and couldn’t work for the long term.
What did they want to sell? Lalique perfume bottles. They had 3 still in their boxes with perfume. Now I knew these were quite valuable. It seems someone donated them 12 years earlier to the old location and they never knew what to do with them. I researched all the bottles and they went to one buyer who got a tremendous deal but the League was able to put several hundred dollars in their coffers to help the community.
Since then I have gained support from the board and tremendous help from our Technology guru who set up that store for us and continues to be by my side and help me with whatever I need when I get frustrated. I have a wonderful researcher who comes in every Monday with me and we have a fun tug of war over how much we’re going to price an item. For me my job has shifted from researcher which is my favorite part to photographer, writing the posts, and handling all the packing and shipping. I still get to research the odd ball thing or that rare antique.
We have been open now for about 18 months and I can finally say things are beginning to smooth out a bit. You can find us here. We are still suffering from growing pains and we need more help and definitely more space but, I would like to think we’ve turned the page.
What do we sell? Well I sold a 1960’s crank handle pencil sharpener for way more than we would have gotten in the thrift shop. I have an antique straight razor, a 1940’s stapler and a japanned postal scale from 1890. Loved this thing and it was calling me. I figured I would buy it, after all it is right up my alley. But, after research it came in around 85.00 so it will wait for the right buyer. Unfortunately it won’t be me.

I sold 12 place settings of sterling silver, a Meissen antique plate for $$$, I have Waterford Crystal, A Tom and Jerry Transferware Punch Bowl, and right now we are working our way thru about 40 pieces of Disney Beauty and the Beast paraphernalia. I have a 1970’s acrylic sculpture just waiting for the right buyer. I shipped out 2 Meissen lamps and sent them to California. Unfortunately one didn’t make it. Designer hand bags and shoes. The store is vast and crazy. My researcher said we should figure out what is selling and work with that. But there is no rhyme or reason to what sells. From the ridiculous to the very fine we have it all.

Our community has been so incredibly generous to us and I am happy to say I have found my niche in this vast organization. I love the challenge of this store and the thrill of selling something for what it is worth. Of course the market makes this determination and it isn’t always what I think it should go for. But, every time I wrap a box to ship, there is so much satisfaction in going to the post office.
All that being said it is important to me to try and keep things out of landfills. Furnishing a gorgeous home without walking into a retail store is definitely possible. I am going to start a feature here on the blog. Keeping in the spirit with all the thrifting gals out there. What came across my desk Monday. I think it might be fun for you to see some of the interesting stuff I get to play with.
My favorites from the last couple of weeks were this fabulous Lalique Versace Wine Stopper, and this antique 8 day marble clock which still has it’s key.

But this just made me laugh and think REALLY who would actually buy this but, turns out it has value. Bisque porcelain and beautifully painted hopefully someone will see the value in this item. His legs wobble!

And this is a great place to leave you. I hope it starts your day with a smile, it sure did mine!
Thanks for stopping