Last Friday was our 50th. No there was no big party to celebrate, no fantastic trip to destinations unknown. Just a sweet easy day spent with the person I vowed to love, honor and cherish, a mere 50 years ago.
This has been a very busy time for the husband. Taking care of his mom and transitioning her into a nursing home which happened on Thursday. Getting the house sold and cleaned out for the new owner. We were both ready to relax and just breathe.
A beautiful day, moderate temperatures and autumn color was just too good to pass up. We got in the car and started the day at our favorite breakfast spot. After Eggs Benedict and the usual we eased on down the road. Highway 75 is just a highway that connects one small town to the next, heading south-east toward Missouri. I am always ready to explore. We decided to take the road less traveled. We stopped in Plattsmouth NE which has one antique shop that I have found things in before. Sitting at the mouth of the Platte River it is a quaint town with easy proximity to Omaha. The city has done a nice job of revitalizing their downtown area and there are now restaurants, a coffee shop, and small businesses. We wandered for about an hour and then moved on.
Next stop was Nebraska City where we discovered a lot of action. A bit larger than Plattsmouth this towns claim to fame is the founding of Arbor Day and Arbor Day Lodge. In the early 19th Century there were no native trees in NE. No wood to build houses, no stone. Pioneers had to build their houses out of mud and sod.

I will leave the rest of the NE folklore to the professionals!
While walking down the main drag we discovered a restaurant with seating outside. I discounted it because well you know, we were still digesting breakfast. But, the husband sensed something more was going on. I think that’s a shop of some kind. Hmm what’s this. Upon entering we discovered swarms of women. Women that I think came from near and far. A holiday open house. Oh this could be fun. I absolutely have no need for any holiday decor but of course I had to look. I got into a delightful conversation with a shopper. It’s so interesting how a simple conversation with a stranger can make for a memorable experience. Loved the shop and will put it on my check list. Unfortunately I don’t have the name. It’s on the main drag of old NE City.

Nebraska City was all decked out for the holiday. Scarecrows were perched on hay bails and old chairs all along the street. One shop even claimed that their scarecrow had escaped and we should be on the look out. Got me thinking how fun it would be to have a thing going with all the shops in town with a communal scarecrow that keeps getting stolen in the middle of the night and ends up in front of another shop. Where would it end up next time. Hmm.
There was an antique shop we went into and saw this wonderful set of Blue Onion canisters. You could take them all home for 200.00.

Moving on we next found ourselves in Auburn NE. A small town that we were somewhat familiar with. Florida had actually lived in this town working for several months in her 20’s. A memorable dinner party was had in this town. There is not a ton going on here, and it certainly is in need of some TLC. Loved this buildings turret. It called me.

Loved these rusty old stairs.

There was a pretty good antique shop in this town. Absolutely loved this hanging cupboard. It was sitting on top of another cupboard. The price was just 2000.00! Not sure if that included the cupboard below. Though the hanging cupboard was wonderful I felt 2000.00 was way excessive. Also thought this was a cutie too. A toy vanity for a girl. 1930’s I would say. 200.00 would take that one home.

Easing our way down the road to Indian Cave State Park (our destination) we did a drive by of Brownsville NE. Back in the 80’s this tiny town was kind of an artist Mecca in the summer and after Labor Day it closed its doors. I have never experienced this town so I wanted to see what it was all about. Yeah it closes down after Labor Day. They do host a large 300 vendor flea market on the third weekend in September every year. I will make a note of that for next year. There was one shop open which we skipped because now it was getting late. We still needed to get to the park while we still had enough light.
As we approached I didn’t know what to expect. The husband has hunted this land In January but not seen it in its fall glory. Fall in NE means lots of yellow. Most of the trees turn a scrumptious shade of gold that shimmers in the sunlight. In the city you can find lovely shades of rusty red and crimson but this is not the usual. The state park hosts many campers from tents to RV’s. Dogs and skateboarders welcome. The park was busy on this gorgeous weekend and all decked out for Halloween, with warnings to enter at your own risk. or, Come in we’ve been waiting for you! As we wound our way thru the park I marveled at the light and shadow and tried to capture some of that.

Then we came upon a very steep hill. One of those 6% grade type hills. The husband said he’d never been down this road before. They close it off in the winter. It opened up to the Missouri River and of course the Cave. You can’t go into the cave but there is a nice boardwalk that will take you up to it. Apparently there are ancient hieroglyphics that they are protecting inside. I’m not a huge cave fan but, part of me wanted to go in. The rock formations were so interesting and of course the river movement is always peaceful.

Driving back to Omaha we decided it was a perfect day. We learned that the new car was an excellent road trip car from a comfort level. Fifty years went by in the blink of an eye. We created a wonderful family with daughters and sons in law, 3 grandchildren and a great grand baby on the way, very soon now. You reflect upon the things you wish you had a do over on, the things you did right, and the things you could have done better. But all in all it has been a life well lived. Our life. No need for fancy celebrations or big exotic trips. Just an easy perfect day.
Thanks for stopping