Though my daughter has been working feverishly behind the scenes, I am stuck. We are moving the Blog to WordPress because I want to expand the blog and my readership. I want comments and feedback from all of you who have so faithfully followed me on this adventure. When we get everything converted I’m going to ask all of you to go to the blog and sign up. I know most of you are reading me thru Facebook and I so appreciate that, but in order to grow the blog I will need to get those numbers on the blog itself to expand.
I know your time is valuable and I don’t want to just fill your inbox with stuff. If you are taking the time to read For The Love Of Old there is a reason you are here. I want to fill it with quality content and I would like to hear from you as to what you would like to see from my posts. At some point I may put together a questionnaire, but for now comments will do.
Why am I stuck? I’m stuck creatively. I know this is a temporary dilemma and part of my process, but I sure hate it when I am going thru it. I tend to push, push, push, and then all of a sudden I’m done and I go through that period of time where I am stuck. What’s next? Yes there are always things I could be doing but for what ever reason I toss them out! Oh I could do this or that but then nothing productive happens. Anyone else go thru that?
I think these periods are forced on me requiring my brain to rest. My brain doesn’t know how to shut off, so I don’t sleep well at night and I am always thinking what’s next! Today I am just going to try some creative play at my sewing machine. There is so much this power house can do that I haven’t even begun to tap yet. I have an old piece of fabric that I would like to tear apart and turn into a rustic something. What that something is I haven’t got a clue!
I will leave you with snow. We had our first snow of any significance in a couple of years. The husband had to actually fire up the snow blower.

Thanks so much for hanging in there with me. Have a fantastic weekend.