What does your primary bedroom say about you? Is it a place where you can go and retreat? A place where you walk by and say ahh this is good? Or cue the needle sliding across a record. Ok many of you are not that old but, you get the picture. Is your room a dumping ground, full of mismatched furniture, with clothes strewn all over the floor. Does it have a treadmill or other exercise equipment or maybe a desk and a computer screen. Is it a place where you live, or a place you just rest your head? A place that inspires you or the place you quickly close the door when guests arrive! You can read about the refresh here

For some reason the primary bedroom is always the last one to be decorated. We do the public spaces, we do the play room. More importantly we create these charming fun spaces for our kids. I will confess that I have fallen into that trap myself. My daughters had darling rooms. Rooms I would have loved to live in as a child. Be interesting to know how they felt about them. Hmm I’ll have to ask them.
But why do we not put the primary bedroom at the top of the list?
No matter your circumstance, budget, or lifestyle the primary should be something to be proud of. The place where you can retreat if all else is askew. Ok my bedroom is not a retreat. It is too small for conversation, truth be told it’s too small for two people to change clothes at the same time! TMI but, it is a quiet and calm place and has a bit of life’s luxuries. Though the furniture is mismatched (I like it that way) and the closet configuration is a nightmare, the bedding is humble and ready made, I still love this space. It reflects who I am, what interests me, and my creative spirit.

Years ago during a crisis my mother in law said to me “I did something this morning I have never done.” Asking what it was, she responded “I didn’t make the bed.” Funny how things stick with you. Here we were all in state of terrible sadness and she was worried about the bed! But I now understand, her sense of order had been disrupted. For me making the bed was always a hit and miss thing. Such a little thing in life that really only takes a few minutes but, can create a sense of well being that holds you throughout your busy day. It is an important exercise.
The husband doesn’t understand why I insist on making the bed every day. His philosophy is you’re just going to get back into it. He usually is the one who has to dismantle the 6 pillows and fold the quilt down precisely and remove it from the bed, only to toss it in a heap on the floor until the next morning! This is a game we play with each other every single day. Give him his two pillows and throw a down comforter over him and he is content. Of course we won’t remind him that the only reason he knows what a down comforter is, is because of me! It’s the little things, or big things in this case.
Now that I am older and hopefully wiser, I have come to appreciate the merit of a well organized and beautiful (to me) primary. We are often in the messy middle. Life, work, kids and commitments often get in the way of a well organized home. The husband since he has retired has turned into a pretty good domestic. Now if he could only cook and dust!!! I digress. I have found that I can often have chaotic spaces in our home, but if I can walk down the hall and see a clean ordered bedroom with the bed made, all is alright with the world.
Some of my exercises for creating a peaceful primary
- Identify the things you love about the space, it could be a window with a view, a fireplace or simply the size of the space. It could be a piece of furniture or duvet cover. Look for what is working for you.
- Identify the thorn in your side. The things you hate. That’s easy. We all have them.
- Identify what you have that could be made better either with a new fabric or a coat of paint.
- Ask yourself how you want the room to feel.
- What do you already own that could help you achieve the look.
- Start thinking about the layout. Where is the bed? The bed is the biggest feature in the room it should be placed in a position of honor where it can be seen as you enter the space. It is never desirable to walk in on the side of the bed. You should be able to see the headboard first. I don’t like beds in front of windows. I know sometimes you just have to, but it will never be my first choice.
- Analyze the furnishings. In my own space less is more. The furniture should be scaled to the size of the room. Do you have a spacious room with a great closet. Maybe you don’t need dressers, bring in a couch or a couple of chairs. My own room has a reach in closet. I have to have dressers. Starting life with the typical triple dresser I quickly realized there was just no way. Every piece in the room is scaled to fit the space.
- Can you add a bit of architectural detail? There are ways to add interest with minimal DIY skills. I bit of applied molding can go a really long way in creating a great space. In my room I enhanced the base board, added a chair rail and crown molding. Then I turned around and painted them all the same color as the walls. I just changed the finish.

Look at your primary and see what it says about you. If you like what you see great, you have success. If not think about putting it on your to do list. Your sense of order will thank you. If I can help just leave a comment. I’m happy too.
On another note we have moved the blog to a new host. https.//fortheloveofold.com. I know a lot of you have been reading me thru Facebook. Will you do me a favor and go to the blog and sign up for email. I’m concerned that I have lost some followers during the transition and I am trying to build my readership. If you are here, you’ve joined me for a reason and I don’t want to lose you or let you down. I’m trying to build a community and I would love to read your comments. My old site didn’t allow commenting so I switched hosts. My daughter has worked tirelessly to move all of my posts and reorganize things to make it more user friendly. I would appreciate your support and encouragement so much.
Thanks for stopping