Can good design still be good design if it isn’t the flavor of the moment?
When clients ask me what the current trends are, I really just want to cringe. The more appropriate question should be, what is currently trending in your home or with your lifestyle?
We are so locked into the flavor of the moment, we forget that we will be living with this “look” for 8-10 years. For some of us, even longer. With that consideration, is the “trend” the right one for you?
I’m a firm believer in allowing your personal style to speak to you. It should be nurtured, and allowed to grow. Do our tastes change over time? Certainly. But does that mean everything we valued from before needs to be chucked, just because it doesn’t work with the new look? No!
Here are my rules for designing my own home.
- Don’t shop where everyone else shops. I want my home to be unique and reflect my personal style, and I love antiques, things with history. I shop Antique Shows, Estate Sales, and yes, the Antique Mall when nothing else is going on. Does that mean I never shop elsewhere? No! As a designer I’m constantly out there checking out the local offerings. OK well not as much since Covid. Yes, I occasionally shop at Pottery Barn too.
- Don’t be afraid. If you see something that catches your eye, and makes your heart pound buy it! Believe me, I have let a lot of things get away. Don’t worry about how you will use it, if it’s a great piece it will find it’s way in your home.

This collection started with one marmalade jar and then the Cutty Sark black and white pitcher. Then another marmalade jar then the smaller Spode pitcher. Then a trip to Texas scared up the Dijon Mustard Pot and the English Anchovy Paste lidded jar. These few pieces are what are currently making my heart sing, oh and the collection of old Pewter Spoons I picked up on Ebay.

3. I have pieces that are floaters. I have had them for many years and they still haven’t found the perfect home. But, they make me smile when I handle them and they look great wherever I put them. I may know they aren’t in the perfect spot but no one else will, and frankly no one cares.

This small handmade leather trunk I picked up in Williamsburg VA many years ago and it is a floater. It has been in every room in my home but I love it every place that it lands.
- Start a collection. Collecting has been one of the greatest joys of my life. I collect all kinds of things. Most are very old but some are newly handcrafted reproductions. I am very selective at this point in my life. Am I still using the same things that I purchased 40 years ago? Some of it, absolutely.
- One thing isn’t enough to make a statement, but 3 things from the same genre can make a huge impact. Five things even better. Always think in terms of odd numbers.
- Know when to say when. This is very important and one of the hardest things to do. A home that is furnished with only one collection is not balanced. Blue and white Transferware has been a passion of mine for a long time. It started with the small platter on the right.

- You’de be surprised at how many homes I’ve been in who do collect, but they only collect one thing. Way to many “oil paintings”, way too many plates, or way too much faux floral. Or they haven’t curated their collection and they have purchased ‘stuff’ just to fill space. It looks like Hobby Lobby. The house becomes a single note. You can’t see the individual pieces thru the mass of one.
- “Stuff” is toys for grown-ups. It shouldn’t be sacred, it should be handled and enjoyed. For example, I don’t “set a table” I create tablescapes. I pull accessories from all over the house and play with the table. I don’t have a huge pantry that is full of “Table Scape Stuff” my stuff is always in use. I rarely use fresh flowers on my tables. In fact for this Christmas table I pulled the small tree that was in my bedroom and the Santa was in the kitchen.

For me the greatest joy of entertaining isn’t necessarily the food (there is always Taco Bell!) Although the food that went on these plates was sublime. It’s the table and creating something that is delightful to my eye, and if it pleases one of my guests so much the better. Move your “stuff” around.
So, the answer is NO! Good design can still be good design if it is not the “flavor” of the moment. Give yourself a break and be true to yourself.