I don’t know about you but, for me cleaning doesn’t happen in the summer. Of course everything get’s picked up and the surfaces get cleaned but my regular dusting and vacuuming schedule go by the wayside. I’de rather be doing what I’m doing or be outside in the garden.
Yesterday the husband was with his brothers cleaning out his moms house and preparing to move her to a nursing home. I cranked up the music and dug into our house. It never ceases to amaze me just how dirty things can get. We’ve had lovely weather here for the last week, and the windows have been open which makes it worse. But I was diligent and got into most nooks and crannies and wore out the vacuum. With a combo of Endust on a cloth and Swiffer in hand I attacked the corners the unders, the insides and out.

I decided to make a couple of quick tweaks in the kitchen to make it feel a bit more like fall. I love having this pedestal. Though nothing special the size is perfect for a small collection. Here I have used the early 19th Century Doulton Lambeth Pubware which was very popular in England at the turn of the 20th Century. Pub Dominos also popular in all the pubs in England share the stage. I love these things I just casually sprinkle them here and there. This was a simple fix just by plopping some fall stems into one of the pitchers, left the books, the egg in the ink well the mustard jar with its original label and the robin and filled in with the rest.

I have so many design books. They are a never ending supply of inspiration for me. This summer I acquired 6 more and I haven’t had a chance to read them yet so, they have just been stacked under a chair all summer waiting for me to open the door to new possibilities. I decided to pick them up (well I had to dust the floor there!). I set them on the kitchen table and you know what, I like having a stack of books there. I added in one of my beloved yellow ware bowls and called it good.

Moving on to the cubby in the kitchen it just welcomes fall. A very simple display of other favorite things my red ware pottery mixed in with a few more pieces of yellow ware.

I have always been drawn to pottery of every kind. Redware is made from red clay usually with slip designs. I love the folk art quality of these pieces. The black Ovid shaped bottle with the fish and sail boat is inscribed on the bottom with “Come Sail Away With Me 2006.” It is tradition, the artist will often inscribe something on the bottom of a piece he has created. Another piece I have says “it is so damn hot.”

Obviously this is not an old piece. I was with my mom the day I bought it and it happened to be my anniversary. I had to have it! It still makes me smile every time I handle it.
Well that’s it for now. Florida is coming into town tomorrow. It is her birthday so we will be having a family meal. Sunday is the baby shower for the great grand baby. I am done chasing elephants. More later.
Thanks for stopping
Your collection of pottery is just glorious magnificence! Thank you for sharing! I met a potter working out of her garage during the pandemic while out walking beyond my regular streets. She said that a little of her DNA goes into every piece she makes from the touch of her hands. Then she added, “just like God as He forms us impresses into each some of His DNA – making us His image bearers.” Whoaaa, heavy. Anyway, the Great Potter I’m sure is nodding in approval of all the unique and harmonious design you’ve so lovingly showcased of others’ handiworks of clay. It’s quite a thrill to behold!