My Florida daughter was in town all last week. It was my granddaughters 21st birthday and my daughter felt my granddaughter needed adult supervision!!! We all met at the bar for her first “legal” drink and toasted the blessing of this marvelous girl that has grown into a marvelous woman. I am so thankful for my girls.
I had to go check on a job in Fremont NE. This is a charming old town NW of Omaha about 35 miles out. There are antique shops In Fremont so I always drive into the old Business District to check out what is going on. One stop I always make is at Park Avenue Antiques. They have a nice shop of Country/Farmhouse home furnishings as well as the Antique Mall. This trip they were loaded with spring and Easter. Lots of wonderful faux flowers.
I’m a snob about a few things. Wallpaper, fabric, hotdogs, ham, mayo it has to be Hellmans, and faux flowers, they have to look and feel real.
Loved all of these.
In the attached antique mall there were definitely goodies to be had like an old wooden phone booth,

A Roulette Wheel!

I mean come on, I don’t even gamble but this is the coolest thing! They would be so much fun to design a room around. Wish I had a client who needed one of these. Then there was the Art Deco Dental Cabinet. Not even an Art Deco fan but really this was so cool. Loved all the porcelain lined drawers with cubbies.
Bet you don’t know what this is?! It’s a Cobbler’s Bench complete with a very worn leather seat. This was made and used by shoe cobblers, sorry it’s a very bad camera angle.
Then there was this a very nice old butter churn.
A wild grain painted Step Back Cupboard
Heavily carved curios were abundant at the mall. Well there were 3, these two were something.
and then there was this lovely
This one is much more my speed. But I don’t need a curio!
This farmhouse old cupboard was very appealing to me. Filled to the brim with cigar boxes this would be a great piece in our soon to be lower level powder room but I think it’s a bit too wide. I should have measured. You know I think I’ll go have another look. Yeah this looks like me! Would you ever consider a dirty old piece like this for your home?
This East Lake bed though again not my taste was sure spectacular. When I was growing up my mom bought me a dresser that would have been perfect with this bed. Nope, don’t have that dresser. If I needed a spare bed I might consider this one it was lovely.
So, what did I come home with? Well this dusty old thing said take me home and give me a bath please. There was at least 60 years of dirt on it!
I don’t do crystal chandeliers. Guess where this one is going to go!
I hope you enjoyed my walk thru the antique mall. Until next time.
Thanks for stopping.