I’ve wrapped the packages. Created what will hopefully be, a fun scavenger hunt for the grand boys. Made appetizers and yummy Gateau for a party tonight. My son-in-laws aunt, so graciously invited us to join in their celebration. I even baked more cookies, after a huge fail with the cookie press. Have you ever tried to find a cookie press the day before Christmas? Frankly I didn’t even try. Been thru that before. I only own one cookie cutter. A heart in hand. I wasn’t about to waste the dough. After making a dozen cookie cutter cookies, I gave up and used a tooth pick holder to cut them out. Round cookies eat the same as cute Christmas trees or hearts in hand!

Like everyone I’ve decked the halls and tweaked and shifted. Made sure all the batteries are working for the fairy lights.

Bought all the groceries for tomorrow mornings brunch. I’m just getting ready to set the table. And, ERRRR you know that sound, when the needle glides across a record. Ok well if you’re in your 20’s-or 30’s you don’t know that sound. Grand boy #2 has the flu!!!!! Soar throat etc.

Best laid plans. Now I don’t know what to do. Do I interlope into another families traditions? My daughter and SIL will be there in shifts. We have grown to love this family. It is always a bit chaotic, with the kids, the grands, the dogs. But they always make us feel like part of the family. It’s just an easy atmosphere. So we will go and enjoy ourselves, and be thankful that we have been embraced.
I remember a Christmas when I was about 6 or 7, and I had the measles on Christmas Eve. My parents came and went in shifts. I think that was the year I really learned to pout! I of course was devastated. I didn’t feel bad but I had “the rash.” I remember watching Lawrence Welk Christmas Special in black and white. I’m smiling as I’m writing this. Life can be so unfair to a kid on Christmas Eve.
Then about a year later we were sitting around the dining table. We were still in Minneapolis at that time. Both grandparents had come over for dinner. My dad’s dad and step mother were late, because there was a discussion about sport coats or sweaters. A bit of keeping up with the Jones’. My other grandfather was very dapper and always dressed well. Porky always dressed well too, just a little less. Stella (my step grandma) was going to be uncomfortable, if Porky was wearing a sweater and Grandpa was wearing a sport coat.
Anyway, during dinner someone said pass the sour cream. My sister leaned over a candle to get it and caught her hair on fire! Seriously you can’t make this stuff up! My mom grabbed a napkin and extinguished my sisters hair quickly with not even a hair singed. It was the 60’s you know, Bouffant hairdo’s with lot’s and lots of hairspray. It was determined that hairspray really is flammable! And, a cloth napkin extinguishes a fire much better than paper!!!
Stella proceeded to have a few too many cocktails, and my mom decided the only way to salvage the Christmas was to turn on the stereo and put on Vaughn Meaders “The First Family”. A comedy routine about the Kennedy’s. As I’ve grown older, I look back on that and find it a bit strange, my parents were a very republican pair. I don’t remember anything after that. I don’t remember the presents under the tree, I don’t remember what happened after the album was over. I can envision my parents just collapsing in relief when the last family member walked out the door.
Another year grandma decided the 5 cousins were going to do a Christmas Eve Pageant for our parents. We practiced and practiced. I got to be a king, and we sang “We Three Kings” complete with costumes and crowns. I loved it. Then my grandpa read a story that Marquette (where he worked) put out each year. My favorite was Just for Christmas by Eugene Fields. The poem and illustrations are hilarious. Many, many years later my granddaughter performed it for us from memory when she was 8.

In honor of the new great grand baby I decided to take my antique wicker suitcase and use it as a memory box. Steiff bears, a photograph of my dads parents in a horse drawn sleigh, my moms favorite Christmas Shoes, the books my grandfather read to us after the “Christmas Pageant”.

So I will leave you with fond Christmas memories, whether good, funny or not so funny. It is all part of the whole that makes up ones life. And I thank you for following along, with my random pieces of that life. Whether you take this day to celebrate, or another, I wish you the best and hope that you have a safe and happy one, filled with surprises.
Thanks for stopping