Last Friday was my oldest daughters birthday. We don’t get to celebrate with her often now that she is living in Florida. As luck would have it, Florida was coming in for her daughters baby shower, so we were able to have a family meal together and a whirlwind weekend.
My plan for having a deck party was interrupted by rainy weather and cool temperatures. This has become a standing joke in our family as every time I try to have Florida’s birthday outside it rains. So I had to regroup, setting a table for 9 inside. We had a lovely evening full of happy reunion and crazy conversation that only a family can understand.

The next day was relaxed with a trip to the sports bar to watch Nebraska football. Florida loves football. I on the other hand quit watching NE football years ago when we used to have a really great team. It just always seemed like on the rare occasions that I watched we would loose. In those days we rarely lost! I wouldn’t even have to be “watching” the game. Even if I passed thru the room and we were 15 points ahead and 9 minutes to play we would tank. I decided I must be cursed so I quit watching at all. Our teams have been on a down hill slide and a succession of unsuccessful coaches has put us in the toilet. But hey we have yet another new coach, and Florida convinced me that the curse couldn’t still be in play. Off we go and the husband and I catch the first half. I have to admit it was fun and exciting and you know what we won!!! Well, one game anyway!
Sunday was the big event. The baby shower for this beloved young woman who happens to be my granddaughter. Hosted by her 9 year old half sister and supported by her mom she did an incredible job. The event was held at a darling venue called Turtle Doves in Gretna NE.

A charming place with just enough room for the lot of us. Probably around 45. It boasted a wonderful old brick wall with sofa’s and chairs and a huge table that sat about 20 people. H received absolutely everything she could possibly need to bring up baby and then some.

And finally I get to reveal Chasing Elephants. Wanting to do something special for my granddaughter, made by hand and machine, I didn’t know what it would be. We talked a bit, but she had no ideas for me. Right after this conversation I happened to be driving by Fabric Bash so I thought I would swing in to see if I could find any inspiration that looked like her. This is one of our many quilt shops in Omaha. You can’t buy any decent upholstery or drapery fabric in this town but, hey if you’re a quilter we have you covered. But wait, I’m not a quilter! No desire to be one. When I bought my Bernina I told them they would not make a quilter out of me! No, never! Never Never Never!!! I’ve never made one, didn’t have any idea about how to even begin, no desire to try.
And there it was. Elephants marching across a quilt. Not in pastel baby colors but in animal prints in tones of the earth. Hmm this is cute. Sure looks like H. Colors are great and it comes as a kit. I don’t have to select all the fabrics! I pull out the instructions and with a map I can usually follow along! As I’m standing there in front of this beautifully executed quilt, reading the directions with strip cuts and sub cuts, I’m thinking to myself no way. I can’t do this. I don’t even know what half of this means. With great trepidation I walk over to the owner and ask her about it. The first thing she asks me is “do you have tools?” Well yes, I am a sewer of course I have tools! Ok she says you can do this. She walks me thru the directions explaining to me what some of the terms mean and shows me how to do one tricky part. She sends me on my way, with the knowledge that I can come in anytime with questions. Thinking I will never get this done before the shower but willing to get started, I think to myself once I get a couple of elephants under my belt it will be easy. You know what, it was. I managed to get it done in three weeks just working off and on. I free motion quilted it and though far from perfect it will keep mom and baby warm in the middle of the night.

I loved the challenge of this and now I’m onto the next one. I just finished a piecing class that I signed up for last spring.
My 9 year old grandson asked me last spring if I made quilts. They were studying the Civil War and talking about the quilts that served as a roadmap for the Underground Railroad. He wants a quilt. My answer to him was a resounding NO! But, he looked so disappointed when I said that. I got to thinking that maybe I should. So I now have his quilt top done and it is ready to be put together and quilted. I know I will have it done for him to open on his 10th birthday. But, you better wish me luck!
Thanks for stopping