As I prepare for Thanksgiving I am auditioning the table scape. As per usual it is trial and error. I started out with a fabulous cutwork table cloth that I had just picked up at an estate sale for 24.00. This thing is gorgeous and I’ve always wanted one. I remember sitting at my moms dining table at her cutwork table cloth. Dressed in our Sunday best with the grandparents on either side. Of course her atmosphere was a bit fancier. That cloth, well it now resides with my sister along with the dining table it was made for.
Draping my cloth on the table with much anticipation I immediately said no. That’s just not going to work. Way too fancy for my very primitive RL table. It will probably end up in the kitchen on the food table, stay tuned!
I grabbed a damask throw, folded it in 3rds and created a table runner.

Pulled the Courtly Check Chargers from the cupboard, and my French altar candlesticks, the William Sonoma dishes and the Wedgewood bowl I picked up in Franklin TN last year.

Fiddled with the works, tried scrunching up the runner and said NO. Not going to work. The runner did absolutely nothing to enhance the table and for some reason the Courtly Check felt too busy this year, although I used them with these dishes last year and loved them.

Ok time to reboot. I thought about not using a cloth at all but I wanted a bit of softness. I went in search of some French dish towels I have. I opened the drawer and there I found a table square made by my mom years ago. The fabric is gold and it has pheasants on it. Hmm that might work. It was perfect.

Subtle with just a whisper of something. No CC chargers I went down stairs and retrieved my Old World Pewter chargers. OK now we’re getting somewhere. Placing all the strategic players I went looking for the supporting cast. Outside on the deck I had some small terra-cotta root pots that were interesting, added in a couple of picks of greens, a couple of my small hand carved birds and stepped back.

Although I was making progress it still needed something. Two of the little pots needed something in them but I couldn’t think of the right thing. I also felt that I needed a bit more light than just the one pair of candle. I didn’t want more candlesticks so I grabbed some rock crystal votive holders I have. Could those work in the little pots?

Why yes, they were perfect. Lighting all the candles to give the table a try, I was pleased with it but I still felt it was missing something. I have this curly twiggy stuff and I thought that might work, but then I opened the bin and remembered that I had this very fine red stuff that kind of unwinds and swirls around. I don’t know what it is it’s just interesting stuff. I added that in and yes now it’s done.

Just the explanation point needed!

And here it is. Enjoy!

Do you audition your table scapes or do you get it right on the first try?
Well I’m heading off to start cooking now. Have a wonderful huggable holiday. Eat well, and embrace the people around your table. We all deserve it.
Thanks for stopping